
In Heidelberg since 1946

Successful in the Rhine-Neckar Region for seven decades

Success is not a coincidence; success is associated with experience – of which we have plenty. In 1946, attorney Dr. Paul Schlatter laid the foundation for the law firm in Heidelberg which is now one of the most distinguished commercial law firms in the region of Heidelberg and Mannheim. Our wealth of experience resulting from seven decades of legal practice consistently gives us a decisive advantage which benefits our clients.

The founder: Dr. Paul Schlatter

The law firm was founded by Dr. Paul Schlatter (1905 – 1991) in 1946.

At the age of 22 he took his first state examination in law and subsequently completed his doctorate. After a brief period as judge and deputy notary, he set up his practice as attorney in Heidelberg.

Dr. Paul Schlatter combined the qualifications of attorney and tax consultant in one person. For this reason the law firm quickly gained reputation for tax consulting in addition to legal advice.

The bearer of the Cross of Merit, First Class and the badge of honor of the German Bar Association (Deutsche Anwaltschaft) was significantly involved in the refoundation of the bar association of Heidelberg (Anwaltsverein Heidelberg) and was their chairman from 1961 until 1981. From 1949 until 1972 he was member of the board of the bar association of Karlsruhe (Rechtsanwaltskammer Karlsruhe).